Sperm Health.

You may be wondering do Chinese Herbs help success with Infertility? Traditional Chinese Medicine has a good reputation with Women's Health and producing results. Let's take a closer look at Chinese Herbs & how it supports better Fertility in more detail.

Trying to conceive can be really hard. Not for everyone, but for many it can be one of the most trying, upsetting, frustrating points in your life. Its easy to look back in hindsight about how you'd do things differently. Here's what I would tell myself if I could go back in time and lend […]

You may ahve heard about Acupuncture being great for assisting Fertility. Overall, Hormone regulation is something that Traditional Chinese Medicine is good at. So lets take a look at some of the ways Chinese Herbs can help enhance your Fertility & hormones.

Your Doctor May Not Want You To Take Chinese Herbs. Do you know the reasons Why? In the world today, Female Infertility rates are at 30-40%. We have Male Infertility rates at 30%. The rest of couples have Unexplained Infertility. Taking steps to assist and improve your fertility is well worth it. So Why wouldn’t you try […]

Building your yin is very important to fertility for both men and women. In women, their yin is reflected in their oestrogen levels, egg quality and cervical mucus. In men, yin relates to their sperm quality. Without Yin, fertility can be of poor quality. We've already discussed Yin & Fertility, in this article here. Now we'll show some […]

In The Yin Ova Center's Jill Blakeway & Dr Sami's book "Making Babies" they discuss 5 Fertility types, including the Dry Fertility type. Here we'll discuss the antidote to Dry types - the Yin Energy. Why overcoming dryness is important in fertility? What is Depleted Yin? How do you help your body gain Yin energy?