Emotional stress.

You've made it to the other side - Motherhood. You've had a Caesarian section and the Doctor has said about 6 weeks of recovery lie ahead. Which isn't what you planned on.... Lets look at some ideas Chinese Medicine has, about recovery after C-Section and how it can help you.

Stress, yeah, yeah, I know. Stress this and Stress that. We're all Stressed aren't we? Q: Don't we all just have to put up with it and keep going? A: No. Stress is one reason our health fails, and yet many of us brush it off, like its nothing important. But it's time for a reality […]

When you're Pregnant in the second or third Trimester, you may start to feel the niggles, aches and pains of your body adjusting to accommodate the baby as it grows. Aches and pains in the neck, shoulders, and lower back are common as your posture changes. A massage sounds divine, but here's some tips before you get […]

Sub-fertility оf а couple іѕ defined аѕ thе inability tо conceive, even after months of attempting unprotected sexual intercourse. Infertility is the inability to conceive or when it takes years to successfully conceive. We look at the criteria for Infertility in this article and give you some practical advice about how to deal with it step […]

Pre-Birth Acupuncture is Acupuncture in the third trimester and should begin at around 37 weeks gestation. The latest research shows that using Complementary medicine tools to help prepare for birth, improves birth outcomes with epidural rates and medical induction rates being significantly lower in women who did their preparation(link here). Acupuncture can be one of those […]

For some of us its an easy conclusion; Smoking during Pregnancy is unhealthy. But for those that are smokers, the addiction makes it REALLY challenging to quit, even when there's a new life to consider. You might recall the controversy surrounding Radio personality, Chrissie Swan's struggle with giving up smoking, that really divided the nation. Many were outraged […]