Reader Question: Can I take herbs when doing IVF? Excellent Question! This is a controversial issue, only because many doctors DO NOT like you taking anything whilst you’re on an active IVF cycle. They’re concerned about drug interactions which is fair enough. There are some scenarios where it may assist, so let’s talk about those.
Low Libido Post Pregnancy is common and NORMAL. Your body has just gone through an incredible transformation. You have conceived and grown another human being, you have delivered that baby and are now on the other side - another brand-new learning curve. Let's take a look at how Chinese Medicine views the Post-natal Woman and […]
Infertility іn women іѕ often associated wіth medical conditions, like endometriosis, polycystic ovarian syndrome, problems wіth ovulation or poor egg quality. Research is showing that using Chinese Herbal Medicine can help women's fertility over 35. Women struggling with these conditions can restore some hope of increasing their chances. Lets take a look at three strategies with Chinese […]
That bloating starts to appear, you feel sluggish and tired. Your partner starts avoiding you with a ten foot pole because they see you bouncing between unexplainable tears and a fiery rage. You dread this time of the month- not the period, but your PMS or Pre-Menstrual phase.
I've been in private practice since 2003 and have been in my current location for the past 10 years on Sydney's Northern Beaches. Now I have opened a second location for clients on the Upper Northern Beaches and Lower North Shore of Sydney. More details inside...
Not sure about Acupuncture and enhancing your fertility? or Chinese Herbs? Some sneaky myths may be based on old-fashioned opinion. The modernisation of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) & it's inclusion as a reputable modality by some Fertility Doctors may surprise you. This is the 21st century and Acupuncture & Chinese Herbs do have their place in helping couples successfully conceive. […]