Breech Presentation.

What is Pregnancy Acupuncture? And why is it different from regular acupuncture? Let's take a look at some of the benefits of receiving Pregnancy Acupuncture

Partners may be thinking "Is Acupuncture Safe During Pregnancy?" and this is common. Sometimes partners can be protective of their pregnant wife, thinking that Acupuncture can be harmful to them or their baby. Here we'll discuss the safe Pregnancy Acupuncture practices and some of the benefits Pregnant women can get from Acupuncture. This way you'll be […]

Pre-Birth Acupuncture is Acupuncture in the third trimester and should begin at around 37 weeks gestation. The latest research shows that using Complementary medicine tools to help prepare for birth, improves birth outcomes with epidural rates and medical induction rates being significantly lower in women who did their preparation(link here). Acupuncture can be one of those […]