Congratulations, you’re a mum!

Post-Natal Acupuncture.

Northern Beaches Natural Therapies

You’re a mum to a newborn or you’ve almost reached the first year’s end.

The key areas for new mums tend to be:

Sleep, Feeding & Recovery: How your child is sleeping, feeding and moving all influence your motherhood experience. Post-Natal Acupuncture can help your body come full circle.


With Acupuncture, I wish we could give the perfect deep beauty sleep you need (Sorry!)

However, we can help you get to sleep faster, more easily and deeply with Post-Natal Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine. All the while never overriding your motherly instincts to wake to feed. We support you to manage the sleep deprivation so your body gets the most out of what little sleep it receives.

Feeding Posture & Recovery

The tension, aches and stiffness that come with spending a lot of your time feeding can be released with Acupuncture.

The upper & lower back often need it most either from feeding or carrying your child, or both!

You might have had a caesarian delivery and have a neat scar on the outside but feel tugging in the abdominal area on the inside. Post-Natal Acupuncture does help symptoms associated with post-surgery scars, including C-Sections.

Post-Partum Bleeding is natural and normal after delivery. Depending on your body type, your system might not cope with heavy blood loss. Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine have treatment protocols to nourish blood and promote blood production for those who have a history of anaemia, low iron or light-headedness and as an adjunct to Medical advice.

This is how Post-Natal Acupuncture can be part of your recovery plan.

Coming Full Circle

Getting your cycle back is like coming full circle again.

Each woman is different, but if you have concerns about period delay after 6 months, Acupuncture assists to regulate and restore a natural hormone cycle, that won’t disrupt breastfeeding.

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