Sperm Health.

Why can't I get my wife Pregnant? This is a HUGE question to answer, with many layers and issues going on. Male Infertility is AS important as female infertility. To help you start addressing it, we'll discuss strategies to help improve Male fertility and where to seek further assistance.

Q: Should my husband go to a preconception appointment?   A: YES!! Infertility is a issue that concerns you, your partner and your relationship. Taking 50/50 responsibility is a smart move, starting with getting fertility tests done to check your hormones as well as his. Chinese Medicine agrees, men should do their part and attend […]

Not sure about Acupuncture and enhancing your fertility? or Chinese Herbs? Some sneaky myths may be based on old-fashioned opinion. The modernisation of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) & it's inclusion as a reputable modality by some Fertility Doctors may surprise you. This is the 21st century and Acupuncture & Chinese Herbs do have their place in helping couples successfully conceive. […]

Does Acupuncture work? Research says yes. In this post we look at the aspects of Acupuncture that clinical trials and reviews have said does work for, especially with a Fertility focus. The World Health Organisiation does recognise Acupuncture as effective in treating many conditions, but rather than take a wide scope, we'll specifically take a […]

Those trying IVF, may be looking for anything and everything they can be doing to get the most out of each IVF cycle. Depending on if you've used Google or word of mouth as your resource when looking into what else can help your cause, you may have come across Acupuncture and those that say […]

You may have heard on the grapevine about IVF Acupuncture and you're thinking, "What is IVF Acupuncture?". More couples are turning to IVF to help them get pregnant. Our society has produced women that are independent and highly capable of having successful careers in their 20's and 30's. Once the focus shifts to settling down […]