Pregnancy Acupuncture.

"Can you induce labour?", is a common question to an acupuncturist. The third Trimester can be exciting - with you seeing the finish line in sight. You may begin to think about the birth a lot more and wonder if you're open to Acupuncture to induce labour. 

You've just done a pregnancy test, or several and found out you're Pregnant. Receiving news of a positive pregnancy test can be a time of mixed emotions as you settle into your new path ahead. Excitement, Joy, nerves or even worry. Everyone says those first 12 weeks are the hardest, as you are at your […]

What is Pregnancy Acupuncture? And why is it different from regular acupuncture? Let's take a look at some of the benefits of receiving Pregnancy Acupuncture

Pregnancy & Heartburn. Its a fact up to 50% of women are likely to experience heartburn at some point in their pregnancies. You may not be able to avoid it or relieve it completely during pregnancy, but there are ways to control it.