Fertility Acupuncture is designed to help the body's natural processes and cycles, including that of the menstrual cycle. It's all about regulating the cycle and optimising hormones. In this blog post we look at the question, "can Fertility Acupuncture delay your period?"
Menstrual Cycles. Every woman has to deal with it on some level. Some women count, others have no idea what's going on down there. There are women out there that have cycles like clockwork and those that can't rely on any regularity of their cycle. These women are constantly playing a guessing game about when their next […]
You may ahve heard about Acupuncture being great for assisting Fertility. Overall, Hormone regulation is something that Traditional Chinese Medicine is good at. So lets take a look at some of the ways Chinese Herbs can help enhance your Fertility & hormones.
Your Doctor May Not Want You To Take Chinese Herbs. Do you know the reasons Why? In the world today, Female Infertility rates are at 30-40%. We have Male Infertility rates at 30%. The rest of couples have Unexplained Infertility. Taking steps to assist and improve your fertility is well worth it. So Why wouldn’t you try […]
Stress, yeah, yeah, I know. Stress this and Stress that. We're all Stressed aren't we? Q: Don't we all just have to put up with it and keep going? A: No. Stress is one reason our health fails, and yet many of us brush it off, like its nothing important. But it's time for a reality […]
Bоth male аnd female fertility іѕ affected bу obesity. Obesity іѕ harmful fоr women, especially bесаuѕе the woman is carrying the child, pregnancy brings ѕоmе major hormonal changes іn а woman's body and so if she is at risk, the pregnancy can also be at risk.