Is there an effect of Caesarian on children and potentially later in their life? Yes according to the research Dr Michael Mosely is reporting on. Let's take a look at what he's discussing in his latest book "The Clever Guts Diet".
Living a happier life with Less - This documentary is all about Simplicty, Mindful living and Happiness.
This year I started out feeling a little flat and unmotivated. Almost an anti-dote to the New Year excitement "we SHOULD" be feeling. Was it overhwelm or pressure? Here's what I did that changed the way I think, my habits and my space for the better, and definitely made me happier.
Bоth male аnd female fertility іѕ affected bу obesity. Obesity іѕ harmful fоr women, especially bесаuѕе the woman is carrying the child, pregnancy brings ѕоmе major hormonal changes іn а woman's body and so if she is at risk, the pregnancy can also be at risk.