What is Acupressure for labour preparation all about? Acupressure for Labour has been substantiated with some clinical trials. Using it during your labour can be helpful. But why wait until the last minute to feel the symptomatic relief and use it?
Yesterday I went to a seminar on the recent outcomes of a study completed by Dr Kate Levett, Registered Acupuncturist & PhD. Kate and her colleagues at the Western Sydney University have published their paper on how Complementary Medicine and birth preparation courses similar to 'She Births' can assist birthing outcomes and even shorten labour […]
Pre-Birth Acupuncture is Acupuncture in the third trimester and should begin at around 37 weeks gestation. The latest research shows that using Complementary medicine tools to help prepare for birth, improves birth outcomes with epidural rates and medical induction rates being significantly lower in women who did their preparation(link here). Acupuncture can be one of those […]