If you're thirsty, you're already dehydrated. Let's take a look at the difference between drinking water and hydration and three easy ways to maximise your hydration levels.
You've just done a pregnancy test, or several and found out you're Pregnant. Receiving news of a positive pregnancy test can be a time of mixed emotions as you settle into your new path ahead. Excitement, Joy, nerves or even worry. Everyone says those first 12 weeks are the hardest, as you are at your […]
Those trying IVF, may be looking for anything and everything they can be doing to get the most out of each IVF cycle. Depending on if you've used Google or word of mouth as your resource when looking into what else can help your cause, you may have come across Acupuncture and those that say […]
You may have heard on the grapevine about IVF Acupuncture and you're thinking, "What is IVF Acupuncture?". More couples are turning to IVF to help them get pregnant. Our society has produced women that are independent and highly capable of having successful careers in their 20's and 30's. Once the focus shifts to settling down […]
Does Fertility Acupuncture hurt? This is one of the questions that comes up when talking about Acupuncture time and time again. Sometimes I'm amazed how creative people's imaginations can be around what is involved during an Acupuncture treatment. No, no, no, Registered Acupuncturists aren't sadistic, lovers of pain nor get some joy out of sticking […]
The modern world asks a LOT of women. Past generations didn't have to deal with this choice and now millions of women everywhere are challenged by this all the time. Let's look at some of the issues facing women leading up to leaving their job for Maternity Leave.