Reproductive Health.

A diagnosis of unexplained Infertility can be an emotional rollercoaster. Fear, Uncertainty, anger, grief and helplessness can be some of the emotions women might feel. From a Chinese Medicine perspective, these emotions can absolutely influence the flow of qi, general energy levels, menstrual cycles and hinder the fertility journey further. In Chinese Medicine, the organs said […]

What is vaginal discharge? Isn't it normal? What if my discharge doesn't look like what the books & Google say it should? Here we'll take a quick look at the basics of Vaginal Discharge, how it affects fertility & how Chinese Medicine can help. Vaginal discharge is fluid as a result of glandular secretions within the […]

Women can assume they're ovulating, when trying to conceive. But how do you know for sure? Conception is all about Ovulation. If you're not ovulating, your likelihood of conceiving is very low. Here are some ways to ensure you're ovulating with a definite YES or NO answer.

Fertility Acupuncture was recently featured in a local newspaper, in regards to the growing popularity of Women seeking Acupuncture to include in their fertility plans. Whether using IVF or not, women are using natural therapies such as Acupuncture & Chinese Herbal Medicine to enhance their chances of success with conception. Registered Acupuncturist & Chinese Herbal Medicine […]