
Pre-Birth Acupuncture is Acupuncture in the third trimester and should begin at around 37 weeks gestation. The latest research shows that using Complementary medicine tools to help prepare for birth, improves birth outcomes with epidural rates and medical induction rates being significantly lower in women who did their preparation(link here). Acupuncture can be one of those […]

If there's one things that walks out the door with the Fertility Acupuncture clients I'm seeing, its this link to a recipe for Bone Broth.  Bone Broth is a golden oldie that has come back into fashion with all this talk about the Paleo Diet, but over the ages, many cultures around the world agree about […]

A recent investigation into IVF Clinics by the Australian Media has highlighted the IVF Clinics and their marketing strategies. Do they make too many promises? Is it considered misleading, once you look at the statistics? For all the emotive language, imagery and some couple's unwavering commitment to their fertility plans, can the marketing and business […]

For some of us its an easy conclusion; Smoking during Pregnancy is unhealthy. But for those that are smokers, the addiction makes it REALLY challenging to quit, even when there's a new life to consider. You might recall the controversy surrounding Radio personality, Chrissie Swan's struggle with giving up smoking, that really divided the nation. Many were outraged […]

Did you know Acupuncture can be recommended by midwives to initiate labour? Doctors can also be supportive of trying methods such as acupuncture to bring on labour naturally. Here we discuss Acupuncture to bring on Labour, what's involved and how the body can respond.

Miscarriage can be a trying and challenging time for couples. There is no 'one way' for navigating their path through an experience like this. In this article I have interviewed Tina Bakalla, a Demartini Facilitator, about Grief and Loss after Miscarriage to get her perspective on the issue and any useful information on how to cope.