Menopause is an inevitable natural change in the life of every woman. During this stage, there is a great shift between the chemistry and hormones due to the reduction in the levels of progesterone and oestrogen in the body. To some women, these hormonal changes can result into night sweats, hot flushes, mood swings, and […]
Women can assume they're ovulating, when trying to conceive. But how do you know for sure? Conception is all about Ovulation. If you're not ovulating, your likelihood of conceiving is very low. Here are some ways to ensure you're ovulating with a definite YES or NO answer.
This article is about why Fertile mucus is so important. I'm sure if your on your fertility journey, you might have done your research and are aware of what you should be looking for at different times in your cycle when it comes to Cervical Mucus. Let's look a bit closer at why Cervical mucus helps you understand […]
Taking Fertilty Temperatures is not about them being perfect or "right". Its about simply recording the data as you test and measure your body's natural resting Temperature. There are things that happen week to week that can influence and change your Fertility Temperatures (aka Basal Body Temperature or Resting Body temperature). Its not such a […]
Endometriosis refers to a female hormone disorder, whereby growth of cells from the lining of the uterus, or endometrium, occurs in other parts of the body. These endometrium cells can migrate and attach themselves to the fallopian tubes, ligaments, the internal pelvic area, the bowel or bladder. Chinese Medicine & Acupuncture can be a good addition […]
Fertility Acupuncture was recently featured in a local newspaper, in regards to the growing popularity of Women seeking Acupuncture to include in their fertility plans. Whether using IVF or not, women are using natural therapies such as Acupuncture & Chinese Herbal Medicine to enhance their chances of success with conception. Registered Acupuncturist & Chinese Herbal Medicine […]