Sub-fertility оf а couple іѕ defined аѕ thе inability tо conceive, even after months of attempting unprotected sexual intercourse. Infertility is the inability to conceive or when it takes years to successfully conceive. We look at the criteria for Infertility in this article and give you some practical advice about how to deal with it step […]
The short answer is a resounding Yes. We all know Smoking & Pregnancy is unhealthy. We know smoking regardless is unhealthy. But what about the impact on couples trying to conceive & their fertility plans? Lets take a look at some of the issues of how Smoking impacts on Fertility in particular from a Traditional […]
There are early pregnancy signs that typically occur very soon after the pregnancy takes place. Ordinarily, a pregnancy test can confirm your suspicions quickly. However, being able to recognize some of the clues that your body is giving you, can help you decide if you need to look further into the possibility that you could […]
Building your yin is very important to fertility for both men and women. In women, their yin is reflected in their oestrogen levels, egg quality and cervical mucus. In men, yin relates to their sperm quality. Without Yin, fertility can be of poor quality. We've already discussed Yin & Fertility, in this article here. Now we'll show some […]
Fertility for Men & Women in particular the Dry Fertility type can lead to problems conceiving. In The Yin Ova Center's Jill Blakeway & Dr Sami's book "Making Babies" they discuss 5 Fertility types, including the Dry Fertility type. Why is overcoming dryness is important in fertility? Why strengthening Yin is the antidote to dryness, and […]
In The Yin Ova Center's Jill Blakeway & Dr Sami's book "Making Babies" they discuss 5 Fertility types, including the Dry Fertility type. Here we'll discuss the antidote to Dry types - the Yin Energy. Why overcoming dryness is important in fertility? What is Depleted Yin? How do you help your body gain Yin energy?