Partners may be thinking "Is Acupuncture Safe During Pregnancy?" and this is common. Sometimes partners can be protective of their pregnant wife, thinking that Acupuncture can be harmful to them or their baby. Here we'll discuss the safe Pregnancy Acupuncture practices and some of the benefits Pregnant women can get from Acupuncture. This way you'll be fully informed about what is ok for your mother-to-be.
1. Accreditation of Acupuncturists
When asking "Is Acupuncture safe during Pregnancy?", first, lets address accreditation of Acupuncturists. Like doctors, Acupuncturists in Australia are now kept to strict codes of conduct within our registration status. We have also had to go through rigorous screening to ensure we meet AHPRA's criteria and qualification standards to remain an Acupuncturist.
AHPRA (Australia Health Practitioner Regulation Agency) is there to protect the public from negligent practices regarding health services. So you are protected by National Law if you're receiving Acupuncture from a Licensed (US) or Registered (Australia) Acupuncturist. My recommendation is that you only receive Acupuncture from a Practitioner like this.
2. Qualifications of Registered Acupuncturists
Because Acupuncture is registered in Australia, we meet AHPRA's criteria of qualifications by being University trained. This means a minimum of 4 years Uni to become a Registered Acupuncturist. Yes, we have degrees, some of us have Bachelor Degrees, others have Masters and some Acupuncturists even have extended qualifications in Reproductive Medicine.
3. Research into Acupuncture & Pregnancy
There are research and clinical studies on the benefits of Acupuncture during Pregnancy to test the efficacy. This link goes through to a page all about Acupuncture & Pregnancy trials and their abstracts when they were published. They mention benefits to labouring and outcomes of labour, cervical ripening, Depression, Breech Presentation, Pelvic and Back pain and Pre-birth preparation.
4. Knowing which Acupoints are Safe to use During Pregnancy
I've written another blogpost about Acupoints to avoid when you're Pregnant and you can read it here. If you're seeing a Registered Acupuncturist, they should know what they are, we call the Pregnancy Protocols.
The general gist is- there are points that are contra-indicated in Pregnancy because they're the acupoints we use to promote labour. We AVOID these- unless you're at 37 weeks + and want to promote labour because you're uncomfortable or have the Doctors or midwife's permission to promote natural labour.
All other points are safe when needled correctly, for the exception of abdominal points which are avoided in a heavily Pregnant woman for common sense reasons.
Some great benefits Acupuncture can provide to Pregnant Women are:
- Morning Sickness Relief
- Reflux & Heartburn relief
- Labour Preparation
- Cervical Ripening
- Back Pain relief
- Breech Presentation correction
- Relaxation & stress management leading up to the delivery
- Relaxation, Relaxation, Relaxation...!
My advice is to always see a Registered or Licensed Acupuncturist, because they know what they're doing and are fully qualified, accredited and know the Pregnancy Protocols. If you have further questions and want to connect with me, feel free to email and I'll gladly reply.